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Day 8: Fast is over.
CLafer Views: 528
Published: 9 y
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Day 8: Fast is over.

Day 8: fast is over now.

Sore is very deep red, hurting a lot.
I do feel somehow sick. Well not like myself to say the least.

Something came up for day 10, which couldn't require me to be on a water fast.
I hadn't done fasts in YEARS and never did 7 days.. so I thought it was reasonnable to stop now and go on a raw, enzyme rich, gut-repairing, life loving diet.

There will be more fasts and I'll implement them in my lifestyle for sure.

So. I've been up since 1am since I couldn't sleep and broke the fast at 3:30am with two clementines, over a period of 30 minutes.

I acquired a lot of clementines, a cantalope, melon dew, cucumbers, avocas, lettuce, tomatoes and yesterday I did a batch of the "Ultimate kimchi" I read about here. Kimchi will be ready in a few days though.

Enery levels are great. The fruits were amazing. Thanks for the support, this is an incredible platform.


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