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Re: no coffee; good lifestyle after the fast
kmg4 Views: 712
Published: 9 y
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Re: no coffee; good lifestyle after the fast

I have never done an enema, and until recently didn't even know that it was something people did by themselves at home.

But I have found that the 'best' elimination often comes from :

a) Steamed sweet potato (in pressure cooker), then sauted with cinnamon and a bit of butter. A sweet potato needs some fat for proper absorption, and butter taste goes well with sweet potato + cinnamon. This can be 2 pounds, and can comprise a full breakfast + lunch.

b) Large salad of just greens (like spinach) or cabbage. I am talking about eating 2+ pounds a day of this, making this most of what you ate in the entire day.

c) Legumes + rice combo (black beans with brown rice, moong with white rice and yogurt, etc.). This is usually my staple dinner.

d) Oat milk : Soaked oats with cinnamon, blended with a hand blender. There is no dairy and no straining - drink the thick oat milk with all the fiber. Again, over a pound of oats in a day, comprising almost all the food you eat that day. A few raisins on the side can be ok with this.

All four result in elimination that appears to be very 'good' the next day. The feeling of emptiness and complete removal is distinct....


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