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Re: Onion Juice
Dr. Clark, in her book 'cure for all diseases', tells you how to build one too, so between those two reference sources, it might not be that hard to build one. It's about the cheapest way to have a good one.
And I have cured both diseases myself, but the cancer took some antifungal herbs. Most need that as fungus once it's got it's tentacles into you needs more than just killing the source of infection which is the parasites. Which is why if you don't keep the
parasites killed daily, you'll keep getting reinfected, because the eggs hatch out daily.
It's hard for a body already weakened to fight off. I guess you could use some of the other anti-fungals like garlic, but I know it isn't all that helpful because I was taking garlic caps at the time it started--had been for years, just habit thinking it was helping. I've since stopped with the garlic. But olive leaf extract whacked it good. :)
I hope that you get a zapper though. It really is a critical part of the protocol. It was when I quit zapping for a couple years,(didn't realize how vital it was to her protocol working) still doing the herbs though, that the cancer started, so no, the herb part doesn't do the trick that well by themselves. I was pretty alkaline too, so that doesn't work to kill cancer any more. :(