Re: the 100 trillion bacteria
I get what you're saying, Kmg.
Do you put the macerated sauerkraut in the fridge?
What's the difference btw Sauerkr. and kimchi?
Do you just use the cabbage own juice, or you add water?
I wish I could use the trampoline I got, but I was too weak to do my daily musts around home to add trampoline. My knees won't permit it beyond 2 min, but I guess I could try to see what comes of it.
I was doing daily stretching, inversions and roll-massage, which are part of my must routine for my spine. There's a lot of lymph mvt with these.
Plus the Kapalbhati breathing.
Colonics & enemas have been used in the Russian and other Eastern fasting schools for many years.
What would be the risks in your opinion (one does it oneself, so they are guided by their sensations and stop if they feel there's something wrong)?