Hi bubby,welcome back. Iam told that the meds dont work well unless the gut is working properly. It sounds like you might have candida (those mucasy things that disinegrate), alot of us with parasites also have candida and if the load is severe it can take many rounds of treatment for years as the eggs are constantly rehatching. Have u tried rotating meds and herbs? Mattk3 has a really intense protocol using meds and herbs and piperazine. He was healed of a very massive infect of several types of worms. I know the road is long and hard for some that were on steroids or long term Antibiotics , or who just waited a long time to treat not knowing it was worms. I did find probiotics and goat colustrum helpful if u can afford them, all these meds and herbs can sure get costly month after month, kinda takes the fun out of life, look into mattk3 protocol and keep the faith.