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Re: Please Help!!Whipworm/Hookworm or not?
Flossy Views: 3,015
Published: 10 y
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Re: Please Help!!Whipworm/Hookworm or not?

DEC is Diethylcarbamazine. It is a synthetic form of Piperazine.

It is available online from Australia without a prescription and the company will ship overseas.

There is no guarantee the product will get through customs in each country.

I just sent a bottle to Ukraine, so we will see if it gets through.

The company is called The Vet Shed and is located in Brisbane Australia. The products come in different strengths and different amounts of pills in the bottle.

The one I bought and the most economical is the bottle of 100 pills @ a strength of 200mgs.

This medication is the drug of choice for preventing and/or treating heart worm in dogs.

I am on Day 10 of a 21 day course of it.

I dont know if we are allowed to put links into CZ but just google those words and you will find it. It should also be available on
E Bay Australia. It is quite cheap, about $16 a bottle. The postage might be around $20 to US.

Some good articles come up if you google "diethylcarbamazine and WHO". Most are targeting native worm infestations, but I think its necessary to consider transferring results to other infestations.


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