Dimmitrol DEC - Mattk?
I have been rotating Moxidectin, Fenbendazole and AMMO for two months now.
I have a bird mite or Cheyletiella ( I think the latter).
I started on 6mg/kg per day Dimmitrol three days ago. I know it has not been used to target mites, but I figured as it is known to target the tissues underneath the dermis, it may have a chance to work.
As my mite is microscopic I figure it may work as it is used on the filaria that causes Elephantiasis.
I have looked up the regimes and several studies on it's use for this and Oncheriasis.
6mg/Kg for 21 days.
I initially had some concerns as I had a slight wooziness immediately after taking it and I know it works differently than other anti-parasitics.
I have felt slightly itchy all over yesterday. last night I found tiny tiny white specks on my arms and this morning one of the old inactive scars on my abdomen was itchy as hell , raised high and pink.
So it seems there are leftovers in some areas of my body apart from my feet.
I need to spend the day searching for your protocol.
I am thinking of doing the full 21 days. While still rotating Moxidectin and Albendazole.
I have been treating heavily for over a year now.
Any opinion MattK?