Re: Dimmitrol DEC - Mattk?
Hotel Parasite.....try to get some anti-nausea over the counter. I get nausetil, but the ingredient name is Apotex ,
I can buy about 12 tablets for about $13.00 over the counter.
I got quite nauseous on the second day.
I needed a nausea pill yesterday and today.
I took a two day break.
Another thing I noticed with the DEC is that a lump/scar on my abdomen itched like crazy on the second day and raised up really high and went pink.
By the fifth day after taking DEC the lump/scar had disappeared. I am not exaggerating. It is gone. I cannot see it at all. I cannot feel it above the skin. There is a tiny bit of firmness left under the skin.
There is also the tiniest think white track mark there. No bump, nothing left of what I thought was a scar.
I think this means there were eggs in there and the DEC has allowed my immune system to dissolve them. I am convinced of it. I know there was no mite activity there. But whatever was making the bump has gone completely.
What if? DEC is the answer killing the eggs? Wouldn't that be amazeballs?