I personally believe papain, papaya seed, and the immune formula are some of the easiest things I have done. After the mess of the kills, these natural meds keep the worm stages suppressed except for one.
Dosing depends on weight for DEC. 400mg of DEC is a starting dose. It caused me nausea at a much lower level. It is a great starting, and maintaining level while you challenge flukes.
Moxidectin and fenbendazole caused my pulse to rise. I do not hear you say that. HMMM. If you have strongyloides, early doses prevent brain issues down the road.
Pyrantel I assume you mean PinX, (pyrantel palmote) and I also assume you took less than a Gram, and or dosed the level stated on the box.
I vomited for days, and would vomit with mere drops a day. I vomited for more than a month. I would heave at 3AM, so much I would toss worms. I was really scared during this period. For some reason I thought I had cancer. I take it from your responses thus far, that your infection while centered by the cecum, is a serious, but not severe infection, that many report. I think you are correct in thinking something is residing there.
Never take DEC and PinX on the same day. Any day you take PinX, take no other meds, except invermectin, which can stop worm movement, and lower nausea for that day. Magnesium or some magnesium citrate on that day is also a good idea.
Every 3 weeks I took PinX. Sometimes I would get hits, sometimes not. I had both flukes and roundworms, but it is the roundworms that seam to cause people the most problems. I suggest you start the naturals, and try to get as comfortable as possible before the kills. They are a bitch.
If you see something moving, it is most likely a nest. I think we figured correctly about the need for DEC and piperazine.
What did you see in the stool after pinx? Tomato skins, white seeds, worms? anything? Did you get pictures?
Night sweats could be from Lyme, or roundworm births. Having births stop is a temporary event, as they fight back, you will see sweats again till you deal with the roundworms. Hopefully papain will help with this.
I assume you tried a single dose of IVM? What was your reaction? GERD acid reflux? or lower toxins for 12 hours?
It sounds likely, you definitely need to maintain fiarial protocol in the short, medium, and long term time frame, till you have worms under control.
During this period of my treatment, I kept my DEC dose to 400mg, and people tell me 1500mg of piperazine citrate max does a great job of keeping things normal.
Newly refined papain and weekly dose or two of papaya seed reduce the pain of fighting this illness.
Recently we have had incredible results with an immune formula, which includes natural piperazine and manganese sulfate. These almost make the situation painless, except in cases of hyperinfection. When I get more feedback from a couple of folks trying lower doses, I can pass it on. The naturals really really help a lot!
While a few people are doing DEC, Piperazine citrate, Papain, Papaya seed, and see much easier control, at lower dosing levels, they do not all have every ingredient yet.
The first step is to control filaria.
The second step is to test clearing the GI tract, you report a nest, but no flukes in stool. Check again. Use this time to get a visual ID of the stool parasites. Check mostly around the PinX dosing day.
I would dose PinX with Invermectin every 3 weeks till you get no response. This means the GI is clear and functional. From time to time I would test this with a dose of pinx. Occasionally I would get hits.
Q...>My main concern is taking iver while I still have so much moxidectin in my system.
A)...Moxidectin only needs to be taken every 3-6 months for strongyloides (I assume you did not take the ELISA test yet). For people with run away colon blockage, Moxidectin is being tested by a couple of folks. It is very similar to invermectin, just longer lasting. Do not over do the moxidectin. IVM is very safe, reports say it is one of the easiest meds to take. (Just dose IVM correctly)
As time goes on, more and more data keeps piling up for using lower levels of Albendazole. New data for young children, 10 years old, says limit dose to 10mg/kg/D and keep the time to a month.
I went maybe 3 times that time frame, but I did not have all the pieces in place.
I suggest you keep the level at 400mg/D until you dose for a kill. That way you keep the Albendazole level as low as possible for the time you take it.