Re: 2 Questions for the experts here
I've never taken Goldenseal for anything but bacteria infections, except when I used it as a prophylactic to prevent pneumonia~
I know Goldenseal is for bacteria infections.
I also do not believe that CS is a silver bullet. Had I not cleansed my blood with herbs, my gut with enemas, my liver with liver flushes, gotten rid of my amalgams, and all the
Watermelon and buchu tea, it probably wouldn't have worked for me, either.
You have to do the systemic cleansing to give your body's immune system a fighting chance. Otherwise it is kind of like adding a
quart of oil, but never changing the oil in your car. The herbs will go a long way to clean up your whole body. Once it is clean, or relatively clean, then you can count on the silver to work great.
I am sixty, also, by the way. Born in August of 1955.