Re: 2 Questions for the experts here
I can honestly say I was not the least bit offended.
And I totally agree that some things work better for some people than for others. We all have to learn how to listen to our own bodies and interpret the body's needs correctly.
The hijacker in me is wanting to taking over this thread now....
A friend of mine had surgery the other day and when it came time to send him home, he told them he wasn't feeling well and he needed to stay another day. But they sent him home any way. He went home and died.
Same thing happened to my father. They couldn't keep his blood pressure down, but they sent him home anyway, against my protest. He dropped dead and died the next morning in the kitchen.
What does that have to do with what we've been talking about?
My friend knew that he needed to be in the hospital.
He was listening to his body. But the hospital ignored
his observation.
I knew that my Dad needed to stay in the hospital, but he obeyed the doctor and went home despite being in terrible pain. His heart couldn't take any more.