would expect to see 50 to 100 times ... that IS NOT the case.
>- I have read more accounts of people getting well from pharmas than natural remedies
Since there are $$$Billions spent on pharmaceuticals and likely 98 percent of the population follows that route. Is this not natural?
In that case, you would expect to see 50 to 100 times as many accounts supporting pharmaceuticals and that IS NOT the case.
Again, the real problem is not whether or not naturals or pharmaceuticals work, it is the question of unstudied long term effects and hidden mortality.
Chemotherapy kills hundreds of thousands yearly but these deaths are reported as cancer deaths. When doctors discuss the administration of chemo-therapy, the rarely tell their patients what the real risks are. Many people just drop dead within hours or a few days after their first chemo session. Cause of death? Cancer. Also, they are removed from the group that has taken chemo because it only counts if you survive the full course of chemo.
Beware of hidden statistics and avoid becoming one.
Back in the late 1970's/ early 1980's, I had a cousin who suffered sudden onset kidney failure of both kidneys. Fortunately, she receives a transplant and is alive today. A few years ago, she was asking why. I did not tell her that the most likely cause was Ibuprofen.
Sometimes, organs fail. It is almost always due to some chemical overload.
It took many years for the FDA to accept that the main cause of liver failure is acetominophen and that the main cause of kidney failure is Ibuprofen.
How many years will it take them to determine the real long term toxicity of these anti-parasitics?