Re: Intermittent Fasting - Help please
Thanks Arhus for your feedback. I must say your contribution to this forum is significant. Also Thanks for your feedback on my presentation style.
I completely understand your suggestion on noni juice, protein, dosa and roti.
Maybe some background might help to asses further on what am I doing.
Noni juice played significant role in my recovery. I checked with the manufacturer - they use cold press or water based treatment to extract juice. I also visited their manufacturing unit to ensure I am in right hands. They import organic noni fruits from Hawaii.
I consume Threptin biscuits, they are milk based. Very high nutritional value and recommended by doctors to many only to build health.
Given the need, I am using all these. If I stop them, then the symptoms re-appear. If fasting helps to stay active even without these expensive things, I will keep them away. I will experiment.
I will start fruits again, and update you the result.
Please see what all contributed for my recovery for each symptom and for over all health building. Any more suggestions are welcome.
Have fun,