Re: Trying to shrink a large multi-nodular thyroid goiter
You should avoid removal of your thyroid at all costs. If it is removed then you will be on allopathic meds for life -- very expensive and one heck of a moneystream for the drugs companies involved.
To cure yourself of goiter there is alot you can do. From my own experience goiter is causd by both lack of anti-oxidants and minerals in the body and lack of iodine. To cure yoursef you should follow the advice on supplementing lugols iodine or iodoral here:
The Iodine Protocol
Guidelines for Supplementing Iodine
The reason you have goiter is probably because you lack one particular anti-oxidant. When the thyroid creates T3 and T4 it converts Thyroglobulin(stored iodine) to T3 and T4 using an enzyme called Thyroglobulin Peroxidase or TPO. During this conversion hydrogen peroxide, a free radical, is always produced. One particular version of glutathione is critical for the removal of the HP free radicals -- called glutathione peroxidase. So if your body lacks this anti-oxidant then the HP free radicals will build up to large amounts and attack the TPO and change its protein. The immune system will then attack the TPO and the thyroid cell creating damage, swelling, nodules and goiter. So to remedy this you must take supplements and minerals that will help you to produce more glutathione peroxidase.
That's why you should be on the Iodine Protocol(as recommended by Drs Brownstein, Abraham and Flechas).
Read EVERYTHING on this website:
Stop This Thyroid Madness
Lastly, find a proper thyroid-literate and iodine-literate doctor to help you if you can.