Re: Can a BPD mother change the trajectory of my life? Depressed, unemployed and a total failure.
I have the same issues, what I can recommend is a therapist but stay away from the medications as that is evil and all about making record profits for pill companies.
Secondly therapists only go so far, they do help by talking and getting an objective point of view but after 7 years of it I still have to rely on myself to heal.
I would suggest by what is working for me so far, and that is showing compassion to receive it for your own problems. It's very hard so start small, maybe small acts of kindness could be a way to experiment to see if it works for you.
Lastly some things that can take the edge off but are by no means a cure for the illness of unhappiness are as follows:
Fish oil
Lithium Orotate (very small doses, break open 5mg pill and always take with food and water)
B vitamins
Lyco spheric Vitamin C
Magnesium oil ( good for calming )
Tryptophan/ 5htp ( good for sleep but don't take too much as they stop working or you can become dependent)
Tyrosine/ L Phenylalanine ( if you need a dopamine boost or pleasure feelings, again don't overdo it)
The others I would take very cautiously as there is painful detox for some people, but certainly heal emotional problems gradually as I am slowly experiencing.
Iodoral or
Lugols very low doses, they helped me give up my addictions to unhealthy food by speeding up my metabolism. I've lost a lot of weight on it, and it has gave me a new outlook on happiness or dealing with depression. It comes with a terrible price of detox, so I would recommend starting very low and slowly while keeping aware of your symptoms and stopping if they are bad or it will get worst as it did for me. My experience may be different than yours on
Iodine because I was raised in a lead paint house and
Iodine is a strong chelator of it. This forum has a lot of information to help you if you go this route.
Good luck.