You can buy lactulose from the U.K. off of Ebay, no prescription required. It is about the same price as galactomune even with shipping considered. I would suggest you go for it. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to arrive to you here in the USA. I would suggest you order another bottle as soon as you finish 1/2 of the one you have. Take 2 teaspoons every 12 hours. Here is the link:
I am cured now but I continue to take probiotics and prebiotics in order to maintain healthy gut homeostasis. The prebiotics I take now are galactomune and something called "Larch Tree Arabinogalactan" which I will refer to as LTA. You can google Arabinogalactan and find many articles. Here is one:
I want to state again that taking prebiotics during the acute phase of candida infection may make the situation worse. Lactulose seems to be safe but even here it is best to fight the infection with diet and antifungals for months before moving on to probioics and prebiotics.