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Re: Awesome liver flush with liver flukes and tons of beautiful stones
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Re: Awesome liver flush with liver flukes and tons of beautiful stones

gaurav---Dr. Clark discovered it wasn't really necessary to have the right frequency to do a good parasite zap--what she found was that it was a function of her son's battery powered hand held zapper that did the trick. It produced a square positive off set wave instead of the waves her wall powered frequency generator produced. She did start by killing every different parasite with it's own frequency--and it was heinously time consuming as you can imagine. She describes all of the experience in her book "Cure for all diseases", but she ended up finding with the hand held zapper, she could set it around 30 kHz, and clear all the parasites. I do imagine focused frequencies could maybe kill over a larger area so moving the zapper might not be as necessary, but only that one parasite. I'd rather zap across several areas of my body than have to do each frequency separately. :) She recommended left foot/right hand and then right foot/left hand--I always added hand to hand too because I just wanted to make sure, since most of the important organs are in that swath.
I also have found that the extremes she recommends, especically in the environmental clean up range, haven't proved necessary--some, sure, but personally I can't afford to move to a tropical island somewhere. So I'm willing to do detoxing and do my best to avoid obviously bad stuff, and it has proved enough. I suspect it's that extremism that off puts a lot of folks. But she is very emphatic that YOU do your own research and follows what works for you, and I have, and it does work for me. :)


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