The author of the website, wrote "Dying to Get Well" which is available online at This book and the author's website are really what brought my my attention to this whole lifestyle. Her book is geared towards people who are really sick (not addiction loss or weightloss) but she advocates detoxification and then a raw food diet to stay healthy, and according to this way of thought basically everything is connected to digestive dissorders. Its an intersting book and got me very interested in detox. Another good resource I found was
I've just been going to borders and browsing what looks intersting or doing the same thing at the library. Another good resource is to look on and read the reviews by people who have read the book. There are a lot of raw food books and cookbooks on that site. Thats actually how I eventually found out about the Master Cleanse...the readers reviews of The Master Cleanse were the most positive etc, of all the fast/detox books I was looking at on