Re: Tapeworm??? Please help identify
Thanks so much for writing back. I will await your long answer.
I suspect what I'm seeing is round worm ..or I suppose it could be rope. However, I know for sure I have liver flukes and two different Protozoa, as well as candida, for I tested positive in my stool test from 'parawellness research' for these. I did not test positive for stronglyloides, but I am getting some good size worms out with
coffee enemas and such. While on Humaworm I passed a lot of white smaller ones all tangled together. From all I've read this seems to be round worms. Whatever they are they are running around like crazy in my legs and feet. I have terrible joint pain and get muscle cramps often. Muscle deterioration is becoming a big problem for me.
Dr. d' Angelo from parawellness center has sent me a list of meds he recommends for the candida and the different Protozoas. However, they are expensive to do all that he recommends... and I believe they are all naturals. I'm not beyond paying the price for all his suggestions if I knew for certain that they would work. At this point I've spent a small fortune anyway, so what's another 530.00. However, he will not treat me for stronglyloides without a positive test.
I read somewhere up above..not sure if it was from you but I believe it might have been. That you should treat the worms first before anything else. That's why I was asking about the Ivm. I have Albenz and praziquantel, which I've done one round of about five weeks ago. Seemed to help lighten the load for a short while. I felt good for a few weeks, but now they feel strong again.
Thanks much,