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Re: Start the protocol or wait for the Doxy??
Bubby63071 Views: 1,731
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Re: Start the protocol or wait for the Doxy??

Hey there...

Thanks for the information. I saw on the CDC website, they say for disseminated strongyloides that a person should be on ivermectin until there is no sign of anything in the stool, minimum I think of 2 weeks. Was considering trying that, however, I'm still suffering from herxing, I believe..I still have numbness and a weird feeling in my cheeks, even in one earlobe. I am worried if it's not herxing, that it's permanent nerve damage, maybe from depleted blood supply to the nerves, because of the parasites plugging up blood vessels/capillaries.

It's gotten no better at all, and I've been off the meds 2 weeks. I think Flossy said though that it can take 4 to 6 weeks.

I really at this point have no idea where to go and what to do. I've tried to explain to my pcp doctor that the reason I think the strongyloides ELISA is coming back negative is because I'm disseminated. But the Infectious Disease doctor says if the blood test is negative there is no infection, so they will not listen to me. The ID refuses to even talk to me!! Won't answer ANY of my questions. Nothing.

Sigh...Feel like I'm just slowly dying.


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