Re: I've failed..I had to stop the ICU protocol due to herxing.
It's good I got pissed off. I wasnt pissed off at you specifically just terrified for all of you and not wanting you to have hope in BS.
Good on you. So glad you got the Doxy coming. Well done.
I know it is terrifying. I really do. I think I would have gone insane if my husband had not believed me.
Put a strainer in the toilet and poop into that and rinse it.
Spread it out on dark fabric or paper and show your wife. If she won't look, she needs to grow up and get a clue.
Don't throw it out. Take photos. Keep samples. Get some rubbing alcohol and put some in it.
If you had cancer she would have to help you. My husband was slow to believe it too. It is normal but she is not allowed to get away with that any longer.
Tell her I said so. I will write to her if it helps. PM me if you need me to.
I think you might need some anti-anxiety meds to get you through the next four to six weeks. But if you dont want to or cant get a couple of bottles of Benadryl Original and take a sip of 5mls every two or three hours. It will help heaps with the anxiety and also with the inflammation from the rotting bodies = Herxing
You have not failed. I am so glad you listened. Well done. You followed direction , trusted your instinct and ordered the
Antibiotics .
You are going to beat it and you will not go blind or deaf. For all we know you could have an eardrum full of rotten bodies and eyeballs too. They will disappear after a good week on
Antibiotics .
Dont be surpised if you get oozy patches of skin. That is rotting
parasites in the skin. Patches of bruises or dark red/purple patches are also rotting dead mongrel bastard monsters. Yaaaay. Good onya. Bubby.