Fervy there have been points where dulce powder has been much easier for me to tolerate than my Lugol's (unmagnetized) and given great blossoms of proper metabolisim and heat (I've suffered hypothyroid for 15 years).
But without selenium it's all green goop.
The plastic nanoparticulate, the distribution of ocean currents.. the COST of the purchases.. there are all arguments to be made pro and con.
Seaweed is simply mineral concentrate, and it's completely true, it's a filtering plant.. but bivalves are the real tell of the trash-levels of an ocean bed. If the clam and oyster shells in the kelp bed are bad, then skip the Sea Salt , the kelp and bladderwrack and algae. ALL of it. Halides are halides, heavy metals are heavy metals. The material gets locked in the bivalve's shells, and it's the true tell-all.