Re: Leaky Gas Sufferer....Dr's Visit Report
Hi please don't think about suicide, we will find a cure, medicine and
Science evolve every year. You just have to be patient like me. Remember there is people that are blind, and people way worst. Life will get better always keep faith. Quick advice on what can help a lot for that problem.
1- Change diet. Most of what I eat is vegetables and lean meat, some fruits also (check FODMAP diet)
(No grains, no rice,no pasta,no bread,no sugar)
2-Take one probiotics everyday (BioK, renewlife, Florastor)
3-Supplements (NOW Glutamine, virgin cococunt oil, psylium fiber pills everyday) check the iherb website
4-Last but not least, alcohol and cigarettes are a big no no! there the worst for that smell
Take my advices
Its been 7 years I have that problem.
I have done lots of test with doctors but no problem found exept IBS...
It may be candida but not sure i tried the diet it helped a little
It may be rectal mucosal prolapse but no test I have done yet have found it
I will find the cure for sure ;)
Take care will update soon,
Hi i will try to contribute. I have this for 7 years now.
Test done barium swallow, colonoscopy, defecography xray, no problem found. (IBS diagnosed)
I have change my diet (tried the candida diet, it helped but i dont really believe in it)
What i found is that the no grains (wheat, rice, oat...etc) helps a LOT
No sugar, no cigarettes, no alcohol
I believe its the whole colon that reacts to food and affects the sphincter function maybe (its my theory)
If someone could get a sensitive device that detect gas...farts . We could place it and be sure for once where is the source coming from... the anus... or the skin...or the breath