Re:Your trip to the Proctologist
Hi Surfer27,
Well, last week went great. I was taking the prescribed medicines and to my knowledge I didn’t smell. But I was also wearing padding around my butt, so I don’t know if I simply suffocated the smell or if the treatment was working.
Yesterday was NOT so good. I smelled the stench of rotten egg gas approx 1 hour after eating lunch (I had a sandwich with cheese on it….I’m really close to believing I’ll need to give up ALL dairy). It occurred a few times more before quitting time at work.
Today as been okay, but I’m SUPER STRESSED about stinking and I’ve been purposely staying away from my cubicle (where the burning, gas, etc strikes me the worst). I’ve taken the Bentyl and it does help with the burning a bit, but when I’m really worked up (like yesterday!), I still experience discomfort.
The proctologist referred me to a physical therapist for help with my loose anal muscles. First appt next week….I’ll follow-up then on that. I don’t hold out much hope with this though….I’d much rather solve the gas mystery, than strengthen muscles to hold in a fart (which will just cause WICKED stomach cramps!).
Oh, one other thing, after beginning the medicines (Bentyl & Align), I don’t get the burning sensation after a bowel movement and the feeling of incomplete evacuation is gone (for now). Hopefully, that remains the case.
I definitely think visiting a proctologist is worth it. At least, you can finally start wondering “What if?”. I’d long suspected hemorrhoids and had been treating it with Prep H (which wasn’t working). It was a relief to at least rule ONE thing out.