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Re: Thanks you so much for the help.. May I ask some more questi
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Re: Thanks you so much for the help.. May I ask some more questi

Dear Oceanlife,
I’m very thankful for your replies line by line and respect all the works you have done sincerely. You’re such a warm-hearted and kind,generous man. I owe you big time.
Well, guess I was feeding all the parasites by eating porks and beefs:( I hate sushi because of that texture when chewing, so I’ll just stick to having chicken breasts and cooked fish in olive oil. I was a bit worried to try cranberry juice, since it contains sugar and sugar can feed parasites and candidas. But i’ll try it as I know it keeps parasites from attaching to your colon wall.
I’ve been reading about zapper and I think there are some controversies over its safety. I’ll consider to try it if parasites’ debris are still left out there causing problems. Using food grade hydrogen peroxide sounds so powerful and interesting! I’ll absolutely put it in my antifungal series as soon as possible.
I’m slowing down right now and die-off symptoms are slightly decreased. I’m giving some time to heal my liver by taking detoxifying supplements. I’m planning to get back to taking antifungals from next week.
Your protocol is truly marvelous and I definitely would like to follow it from now on. I bought humaworm several weeks ago, haven’t taken them yet, but i’ll start it with hydrogen peroxide along my diet. I’m currently learning how to properly do an enema at home and looking for a safe enema kit in online, and will try it and see if it works.
I will keep fighting until the day has come when I finally beat these things up, get my health back and pay my debt to you.


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