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Thanks you so much for the help.. May I ask some more questi

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

yeon Views: 2,956
Published: 10 y
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Thanks you so much for the help.. May I ask some more questi

Dear Oceanlife,
Thank you SO MUCH for answering, literally you’re my life savor:). Embarrassingly I cut my wrist twice last night.. ridiculous attempt to suicide. I just wanted to end my life but no courage to do it by myself. I’ve been a burden on my family, being bullied all the time in school, even get harrassment from teachers, can’t live a normal life because of this. But the most thing that makes me going crazy is that nobody understands what I am going through. Where I live is Korea, not as much developed as US, UK or other European countries. Although there are quite a great deal of people suffering this kind of problem, little information and treatment are valid. My dad is in a medical field, majoring in family medicine and he’s actually teaching in university here in Korea BUT HE HAS NO IDEA OF WHAT I’M GOING THROUGH. He thinks i’m insane, doesn’t even seriously care about my Organic Urine Test result, and even tried to send me to a mental hospital.
I’m really regaining hope and wills to fight this battle as reading your reply. I’ve tried some herbs(Pau D’Arco, Black Walnut, Oregano leaf, Beberine, Moringa) but since the die-off symptoms were too strong, couldn’t take them continuously. I’m having a fairly strict diet; green vegetables, kale juice, broccoli, avocado, fermented veges, Olive oil, spices and herbs, garlic, sunflower seeds, little nuts, beef/pork/fish/chicken/eggs. That’s all. Maybe some bone broth or seaweed soup for once a week. I haven’t tried any other foods since I started this diet. I’m planning to do a parasite cleanse and try Aloe vera and Hydrogen Peroxide which you suggested.
If it’s not bothering you, may I ask you some questions?
1. Although I take antifungals every other day and having die-off symptoms, I don’t see any worms or parasites in my stool. Just several white cells(not sure if they’re eggs or not) on it and always loose green stool. Is this mean none of them are completely dead??
2. As i’m severly underweight(83.8IB/5.4ft), I’m worried that my overall health condition might get worse if I keep continuing this diet for a long period of time. I’d like to hear some advice from you on my diet plan too.
3. Have you done any colonics/enema or liver flush? My dad doesn’t allow me to try self-enema and keeps saying that liver flush is a ludicrous myth. I know it sounds like i’m overly dependent on my parents, but in case of health-related things, i’m being watched for everything I try by my dad. I don’t believe one single word he says anyway, just would like to know your opinion about this because I read some others saying that they got worse after taking self-enema.
4. How is your die-off symptoms now? My burning,tingling,odor problem is still not subsided and ‘m really worried. It seems getting worse after I ate probiotics or herbs like moringa,olive leaf extracts etc. When I ate 5 spoons of coconut oil 2 times a day, i felt like my upper intestine was exploding and excessive diarrhea was followed, along with sever burning sensation, and nasty odor coming from my whole body. So I quit taking coconut oil since, and instead eating garlic with every meal and some herbs. When do you assume these die-offs(herxheimers reaction) will be gone and how??? I've recently bought Bentonite clay&Psyllium Husk powder and only took it once but not sure if it's safe so i don't prefer to use it as long as my symptoms are not severe. What do you think?
Again, thanks so much for the help. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart really.


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