10 y
Re: Don't know what's going on with my body?? HELP!!
The 3 basic anti-parasitics are cloves, wormwood and the green buds of the black walnut tree. There are many others, too, but you should have those in the formula.
You need to start cleaning out your colon. Humaworm has a formula for that, since we are on his forum.
After you have been on an anti-parasitic for 2 weeks, you should start flushing out your liver. I did the Coke flush of Sam Biser's who was in with Dr. Richard Schulze. It uses Ultraphos from or you can get Phosfood that is the same thing from any chiropractor. Do the 90 drops in a quart of apple cider for 3 days to relax the smooth muscle of the bile duct for the 3 days before you do any liver flush. Remember you have to be on an anti-parasitic all the time to do liver flushes.
Kill the bugs and clean the colon and flush the liver. It's repetitive, but it's gong to have to be to work to get all the garbage out of your colon and liver. Then, when that is accomplished, your lymphatic system will dump, then your tissues will clean out. The last ones the body does all on it's own. Keep the liver flushed out, kill the bugs and make sure your colon cleans out over time. You may be a while getting it accomplished. Don't be surprised if it takes you months to several years. It all depends on how much garbage your body has accumulated. All your symptoms will go away. Stay away from the poisons and any drugs. They are not your friend.