If you are feeling a biting sensation all over, it's because you are killing off the parasites and they are leaving their point of attachment in your body. That leaves a little sore that will heal up in a couple of days. Nothing to be alarmed about. Been there and experienced it all.
Candida will be the last to go, but you can keep it down as you go along. The reason it's there is to eat up the dead mess that the poisons caused or dead tissue.
Take a cup of water and put it in your blender. Take 1 tsp of good, hot red pepper, a whole garlic bulb peeled, 2 inches of ginger root and 2 inches of horseradish. Blend it and put the mixture in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoonfull of this mixture and put it in juice like tomato juice and do it 3X a day. It's a good microbe killer and immune booster.