And scientific research for diatomaceous earth? At least there is abundant scientific research for ICU's selection of drugs is "common knowledge". That there is scientific research for her selection of drugs means that those drugs are safe and effective. The reason they are HER protocols is that she modified the dosage.
And standard dose of DE is 1 tablespoon per 50 pound of body weight.
The fact that diaomaceous earth is harmful at higher dosages means that the mechanism it uses to kill pests and parasites is NOT harmless to humans (as claimed); it will just take higher doses to do he same damage to humans.
Even you yourself said that you take the DE now only whenever you are sick. You yourself cannot be an example of long term use.
Just one source of the claim that DE is harmless ( i've seen more) " Not to worry about taking too much - any excess silica not needed by the body is naturally eliminated through the kidneys and intestines... but we must find our own comfortable levels."