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Where are you getting your info about DE from? It is very safe, but few supplements are harmless and can easily be misused. Water is very safe until you submerge your head and try to inhale. Should we warn everyone to stop using water? There has to be some individual responsibility to use common sense. I've never heard anyone say to use more DE than less. The standard dose is 1 tbsp per day. How did you miss that during your research? I've said this before, but I guess it bears repeating: Every body is different and requires different treatments. It didn't work for you. That's totally acceptable. Try something else.

"Her protocols are confirmed by scientific research. Her choice of Rx drugs are all drugs of choice because they have great results in research."

...I'll need you to provide citation for that statement. I'm not questioning 'which' drugs are used, that's common knowledge. I want you to cite the reference for her particular protocols, most notably the dosage levels and duration of treatment. Please add links from Pub Med or whichever medical journal you found it. Thanks!


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