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Haha, the reason I asked about your weight and cholesterol/triglyceride levels is because that's a hell of a lot of fat to be eating on a daily basis for 2+ weeks. Personally, I don't want to have to buy a new wardrobe for my newly obtained fat ass to be able to fit into. Also, heart health! Liver and kidney function! These are all things that can be affected by so much fat intake and dangerously high levels of pharmaceuticals. They don't put those drug inserts in the package just so you have something to read --- it's their legal hand washing of responsibility when someone has a bad reaction. These are very very high doses. EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT. That is why not all drugs and supplements are appropriate for every body.

Oh, and I've been taking DE for a year now. It is amazing and a godsend for me. It literally changed my life for the better, but I would never claim it's for everyone. You had a bad reaction from overdoing it. Start out slow and work your way up. Three tablespoons a day was too much, as you now know.

Please stop with the scare tactics. YOU had a bad experience. Don't paint us all with the same broad brush. I'm ever grateful for the people on CZ recommending DE. It was that alone that proved I had parasites and not just a yeast infection, which was the sole reason I started the DE. By day 3 on DE I had a BM that was entirely made up of intact worms and flukes. If I ever feel bad, DE is my go to. I've turned many friends and family onto it and they have improved health from it as well. I'm not cured, but I'm 90% better than I was a year ago and the only pharma I've used is Pyrantel and not very much of that because I worry about my liver and kidneys. Her protocols may be a godsend for some people but they have also have permanently hurt others.

Lesson here is not every protocol works for every body. All bodies are different and react differently. If you were allergic to peanut butter would you scream to the heavens that no one should eat it??


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