10 y
Listening to Satan.
You say ....
"I do not worry myself about the missing years of Jesus."
You must fear the findings, any true person would love to know how Jesus spent his young life.
How would you be deceived if you say that you know him?
You also say ............
"The Bible with prayer and the Holy Spirit are enough for my beliefs."
Your "ring-fencing", sure sign of staying within parameters
and not having the courage of your convictions.
Your under Satanical control.
and you say .............
"I'm sure satan is having a blast with the subject to confuse people. I examine all teachings of men with what the Bible says."
Satan is hiding the truth from you so you end up "ring-fencing" to remain secure in your beliefs which emanates from only half that is written. That is why you spend a great deal of your time on YouTube trying to justify yourself.
If you were truly certain about your beliefs you would have no need to justify yourself to anyone.