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Re: Church
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Re: Church

A person who does not have the Holy Spirit showing them the truth, or should I say....someone who has closed their ears to Him may not understand biblically what to look out for in picking a church. Then again, they may be sitting in a good church the whole time and still not be enlightened to understand what they hear.

That is why our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, when we are born again. It goes where we go, and when we meet up with another believer or two we can have church wherever we go. I have been blessed many times on curezone being among some believers I have found here....but is it enough for me? I need more meat than this. I need a spiritual family I can have a meal with or do things together with. People I can call at any hour for prayer, an understanding ear...or help with a flat tire.

For me, I'm happy with how I found the right church right off the bat and have been able to stay with it. However, as you and I both know things are changing around us and I pray my church believers stay strong in the faith and not let in falseness to weaken it's members. Others, may find that there is nothing that has God's stamp of approval on it that they can find. So, we do the best we can with what God has put before us.

It may be a good idea to stop calling a building a church and help people realize it's our own bodies that houses the Holy Spirit...but just as many people sitting outside a church building that know the body is the temple, and yet may be just as lost. Thinking the whole time that Jesus is living inside them, when it's really another false jesus.

In both cases, if the person's heart truly seeks God, the Holy Spirit may at some time enter their lives, or fill them fully, and the holy scripture comes alive in front of their very eyes. Then they can continue on that narrow path of seeking what God intended for them the whole time.


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