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Gnostic/Freemasonry Connection
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Gnostic/Freemasonry Connection

No expert here Rainy. My journey had to do with learning that my uncle was a 32 degree scottish rite mason. I inherited his things after he died and as I was going through some of his masonic things/books, I realized that it smacked of something else I had been reading about on curezone.

After my uncle died I found something strange in one of his books. It was a photograph of the body of Jesus descending out of the sky and touching down on land. Again I say...a photograph. There was nothing printed on this photo to identify it as just some sort of memento or faith builder. What christian would go to the trouble to make a photo
that had Jesus touching down on the ground? Perhaps an illustration to tell a story with...but not a photo. A photo gives the impression that it was an event that has already happened. As a christian, I knew it was a fake but wondered what my uncle thought about it since I could not ask him now. So it started my journey into wondering what
the heck is going on...especially within Freemasonry and wondering if there was a connection?

I had asked God to show me what my uncle had gotten himself into because he seemed very concerned about spiritual things before he died. He had been asking me questions that seemed odd, especially since he was supposedly a christian himself. He seemed very worried
and his health was failing him. He had started going to church. Something seemed to have changed in his life at some point. After he died, I found books on exposing Freemasonry in his things, so I know he found out the truth at some point. Could this have been the reason he started to go to church? He had stopped going to Freemason meetings, supposedly due to his poor health, but I know there was no way for him to officially leave.

Now unless Albert Pike (a high level mason) was a liar when he wrote the book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, which goes into detail of what they do and what they believe....any christian can understand that it is not christian at all. Even though they use the bible and other christian symbols, along with other religious symbols within it's rituals. The letter "G" being very important.

What is a Gnostic? It means "one who knows". So that is why you don't see a Gnostic get upset by being called a Gnostic. Once you realize how they go about getting some of their knowledge, and how their "works" are involved in this knowledge, you quickly realize it has nothing to do with christianity, because a christian believes only God knows and reveals Himself through scripture and through revelations which will never contradict scripture.

So Gnostics basically believe they are "god who knows".



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