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Re: DRAMATIC Onset of Symptoms
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Re: DRAMATIC Onset of Symptoms

I had an abundant growth of enterobacter species with occult blood in my stools.

I agree that any substance right now will deter me from healing.

Its crazy because just this night 12/6 i had a dream where I drank alcohol and my mental state felt sooo spaced!!!

Hahaha... My dreams are soo vivid right now and really reflecting my real life situation. I hope these dreams mean my mind is sleepinh deeper and getting more rest so it can heal into calmness (still pretty hyper from that psychosis).

But I also agree that it seems like the root cause is realllllllly difficult to find. I guess the only way to approach this is one step at a time, not over look anything, taking everything into consideration, and doing everything I can to reduce my exposer and cleanse myself from toxics. And plus tons a good food and rest.

That up there seems like the only thing available to me right now.

I spent over a year pawning over what caused it (my dad thinks im in denial about my marijuana habit but the psychosis was unlike anything I ever felt before, although it could play a major role)

But anyways, as of now i am clean as can be, trying to sleep earlier, taking some adaptogenic herbs, on a gut healing protocol, HCL with fool, sole B vitamins, and NAC. Oh... And i am also able to lift weights again now. Huge bball fan but sprinting is pretty intense for me right now. (Used to have debilitating physique fatigue along with the mental)

Then once the gut is healed I will do a provoke urine test.

Lifes not tooo interesting right now, but it is somewhat fun trying to get the body back and hoping to see progress with each restful sleep.

I will keep thoughs of you who find interest updated on my venture.

Tips and advice are always welcome.

Holistic healing is the path right now.


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