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Re: DRAMATIC Onset of Symptoms
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Re: DRAMATIC Onset of Symptoms

IMO - the Californian dispensaries use strains which are the most hybridized, coming from growers who use inorganic fertilisers in hydroponic grow systems, false light to stimulate growth (red/blue wavelength growth - sunlight is the WHOLE rainbow) - so although it may be free of bugs and 'good' quality - it's not, IMO, the best medicine.

I know someone who had cancer, used organic, sun and moon grown natural cannabis oil - this person was in their 70's - the doctors had given up on the cancer, so they were willing to try anything - the 'natural' cannabis they used was made into an oil and for the first time in a long time - he looked and felt better. His white blood count improved and natural killer cell count improved, cancer markers were going lower, with using just the oil.
He ran out of oil, and couldn't find another organic supply - so he used some hydroponic, inside false light grown cannabis and made oil from that - his cancer returned, he got worse, and not long after, died.

Mankind really under-estimates the wavelengths of energy that come from the sun and moon, and think that red and blue spectrums only are used for growth and flower - it's ignorant to assume that only because we *manage* to grow plants under those spectrums - but when we look at the nutritional analysis of said plants against sun, organic grown plants - THAT's where we see the difference.

If you suddenly quit weed you more than likely will experience a depression, as a long-term user the higher dopamine and serotonin levels that high THC cannabis induces, causes a receptor down-grading in the brain over time, much like pharma psych meds, so the addiction to weed in the majority of people is due to this, it IS a neuro-addiction due to the neurotransmitters being formed through use - excessively formed.

If you suddenly quit - which many do - try 5HTP before bed for a more restful sleep (tryptophan) and then that converts to serotonin.
It helps make quitting easier if you want to quit.

JG and Dave make really good points and advice. ALA is a tricky thing - and i've also come across accounts from people who had severe BBB disruptions due to it chelating a high mercury body load, they didn't know they had.

Just because your fillings are intact (which is good, rules out the damaged filling and ingestion theory) it doesn't mean you don't have a mercury load in your body from the vapours the filling exude daily.
I didn't think i had a mercury issue - i then did a simple home urine test and found without provoking a chelation with cilantro etc, i still had a reading on the urine test - when i provoked a chelation, the reading was higher.
You could try getting hold of a mercury urine test home kit...theyre relatively cheap and help give an indication.

I don't have any experience with your urine test results - except as one poster said, you are catabolically metabolising, which would make sense if you switched to a low carb, high fat diet.

Sweating hands and feet are water sweat glands rather than oil sweat glands - if you went high fat diet i could understand more armpit sweating to tie-in with your diet change, but not hand/feet.
The hand/feet sweating does indeed suggest SNS disruption - what's causing THAT disruption is one path of enquiry to stick to.
It doesn't seem like you had an emotional/shocking event happen in your life which can cause this to suddenly happen in some people.
The SNS will go crazy if chemically we become really imbalanced...severe mineral and vitamin imbalance, IMO will cause SNS disruption, eventually.
As Dave said, one drop more to an already full bucket, is the drop that finally pushes the system over the edge.

Histamine is an example of that - those with high histamine issues, have to really keep high histamine foods out of the diet etc - as the histamine bucket becoming more full, will cause an increase in symptoms, and sometimes very severe.

It's interesting your doc have you on the B6, B12, folate - does he suspect you have MTHFR mutations?
You're only 22 but if you did have methylation issues, they could easily creep up on you, especially if you've fallen into deficiency with folate...therefore B12 is affected, and a whole lot more, due to that gets affected and can cause symptoms.

See how you go on the B6 etc regimen - it's worth trying. If symptoms get tricky due to it, then you could be on the right path and perhaps suggests you are a low methylator.
You said you feel better on it so it's a good path to continue following.

Doctors don't seem to take vitamin/mineral imbalances seriously - yet they can cause the most horrendous symptoms and end up causing chronic ill health.

If you have gut issues, absorbing the vitamins might not be as effective as they can be.
Does your doc have you on probiotics?

Do everything you can for your gut - you'll never be on the wrong path in that regard. The more friendly bacteria you can get, the less undesirables have a chance to thrive.

I was severely ill at one point, and everytime i used stuff to heal the gut - probiotics, kefir, clay for detoxing, enemas, it caused a shift in symptoms.
I had severe depersonalisation symptoms like yourself, and those symptoms got less with probiotics.
I would wake up suddenly feeling 'happy' - a time i wondered if i would ever feel that ever again!...and although i didn't do a 'hardcore' gut treatment regimen, everytime i noticed improvements in bowel and mood health.

Be careful of taking in foods that disrupt friendly bacteria - it's a tricky debated subject, but foods like onions and garlic are thought to disrupt the 'microbiome' of the gut - as they can kill good bacteria aswell as bad.
I think these foods have a place in health, but important to always try to repopulate the gut.

I used the best quality freeze dried probiotics - and noticed only a slight difference - but when i switched to water kefir - i noticed a bigger improvement in symptoms. Perhaps that was due to the kefir bacteria being 'alive' rather than freeze dried? I don't know, all i know is the results were more improved with water kefir.

Oh, you probably are already aware of this but if you are on B12 - try to have it absorb through your gums/mouth, rather than swallow a pill - as you may not have adequate Intrinsic Factor in your bowels to fully absorb the B12 in the bowel, which is a waste of a pill!

I would try cleansing/detoxing gently one system at a time and building-up with probiotics, minerals (a good himalayan or celtic Sea Salt ), good bio-absorbant vitamins.
Your doc sounds good - he's not bombarding you with loads of supplements, and trying one regime before trying another.

Always question your doc and the path you're on though, that's good to do, we're all naive! - follow your gut instincts, you'll soon know if you're on the wrong path.



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