Would you support a disciplinary option, whereby problematic posters, are restricted to only replying to postings that are not on the front page of the forum ? For example, if poster X were acting in a fashion that tends to repulse normal people from coming to a given forum, poster X's activity would be restricted to only posting on previous pages of the forum. That way, they could still help people out, if that's what they want to do, and the forum wouldn't suffer loss of readership from having whacky postings appear to new visitors, driving them away...... Any thoughts on that ?
Such option would remove the stimulation of the problematic poster from having an audience that they perceive gives them "attention"; I think some people write things just for getting attention and if you can remove that stimulus for attention-gathering, it might help while still giving the poster an opportunity to help. Page 2 of most popular forums isn't that far back in time that their postings on page 2 or earlier would not be useful.