Just found out it was all in my head.
For over 2 years I've lived with what i thought was FBO but was actually Olfactory reference syndrome. "Olfactory reference syndrome is a mental disorder in which there is a persistent, false belief about and preoccupation with emitting abnormal
Body Odor (s) which are foul and offensive to other individuals." ( from wiki )
wikipedia /wiki/Olfactory_reference_syndrome ( didn't let me post the complete link cause i just made my account)
I just found out today that i don't smell bad and i truly believe a lot of the people suffering from FBO actually have this problem. My mom actually found this wiki page after i told her that i hated my life because i smelled bad. She and my father assured me that i didn't smell but i thought they were lying argued for over an hour with them telling them that it was mean to lie to me about this and it's doing no good. then i was convinced that they couldnt smell it because they were family.
I know many of you wont believe that the problem that has ruined our lives for so long is all in your heads but PLEASE consider this.
I had the same symptoms as all of you, i couldn't smell anything but (i thought) others could. I hated going out in public, was in fear of losing my job and lost all hope of ever having a romantic relationship. It got to the point where i hated going to my college classes everyday and i didn't even try to meet new people. Please look over that wiki page and see if it applies to you. even at first i was in denial of not smelling bad but after asking 20+ people i'm now sure it was all in my head.