Re: Lugols destroyed my health
boy, your panties get in a wad really easy, dont they?
clueless - just stark truth. this person insists that
Lugols is the problem. do you buy that? explain the mechanism. i cant wait.
again, a real person like this came to us pre-abused. she needs blunt facts to work with and i am just the one to give them. they came to us, remember. they keep coming back, or did you notice?
you dont know everything i know and i can tell what you dont know. i have already done all i can to help, not get rid of, not ridicule, but help this person. one, out of millions. an exception beyond exception. but put those posts ont he
Iodine forum where they will be met by others who are low dosing and maybe one of the other 300 people in this country will read it and be saved.
i doubt it.
your advice was bullshit. this person has been under the care of doctors all their life and all of a sudden decided to take matters in their own hand and take iodine? for what?
im way ahead of anything you have said. why are YOU so gullible?