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Re: You have the right attitude
dlandbob Views: 4,145
Published: 11 y
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Re: You have the right attitude

I have said Fungus for a long time because I did have a fungal infection and thought the fungal infection attracted the pest to me, vector control said the samples I sent them were, Thrips which bite, fruit flies which they say dont bite, aphids, rat mites, springtails and Argentine Ants.

I had suspended parasitic wasp before but until recently I have never seen one and after researching them they are top of the list in my book. I did only say possible cause unlike before I have said cause.

My doctor thinks there is a good chance it is Myiasis with all the symptoms than Anything else but if there was any fact than it might not be a problem for so many of us. Think about it, How FN Crazy is this crap, if I dont go outside than I am free of itching and problems, as soon as I go outside I get attact by gnats like crazy!!! There are so many around my house now but when I first moved into this dump I went 15 days itch free. Now you cant be outside my door without seeing different kinds of gnats.

I am a smoker and I have to go sit in my truck to smoke so I dont get bothered as much, I am doing that now and getting bit!!! I have my flashlight that using a alEad light and is super bright and can see them do a little circle before they land on me.

I am going to try and send what looks to me like a complete cacoon to a University near me once I have someone to send it to and maybe get another answer.

I am embarrassed to ask a family member of mine who is a Assoc Professor at a University that has the tools needed for testing what comes from my skin and a cacoon to see if they are the same. I was sure they were Spores before until I started to research the parasitic wasp and the cacoons the larvea makes. I have seen the actual larvea come from my skin and know they produce cacoons so it makes sense that this is possible.

The larvea is a little bigger than I would think the parasitic wasp larvea is tho so I dont know what it is.


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