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Possible Cause of Morgellons
dlandbob Views: 4,549
Published: 11 y

Possible Cause of Morgellons

So after dealing with vector control in my area I was finally able to get real answers. I sent samples that I got after covering my face with Bag Balm, it was scary. They told me all they could see was insect parts and couldn't identify what insect other than it was very small. I mentioned that we were cleaning my sons ears and there was a black speck not much bigger than a speck of pepper. Well I finally got a call back and sure enough it was a Parasitic WASP!!! He said that after looking at it and seeing up up close it matched the samples of part he saw the week before.

I told him it came from my skin which he said cant happen because parasitic wasp dont do that to people. We spent time talking and I learned more about the parasitic wasp, the lay eggs in insects, once they hatch the Larvae spins a cacoon. I read as much info as I could find about the cacoons and they seem to match the properties of the so called fibers, they also can be red, blue and look like tiny cotton balls. Look up the map of fire ants and look up Morgellons map and see they match. My problems started after I called a number I saw on a sign to report fire ants that I found by the lake in my backyard. They used granules to kill the fire ants but if the parasitic wasp were all ready there they came after me once the ants were all dead.

There jusr might be something to this, I just put Bag Balm on my face and pulled out what looks like half larvae half parasitic wasp. Vector Control wont help me anymore unless a doctor sends them samples just incase I am crazy, they dont want to feed a mental illness. Use Bag Balm, its what farmers use on livestock to stop fly strike. I have pics of this stuff but can't upload from my phone, if anyone wants to see them let me know and I can try and upload from my computer.


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