Re: Possible Cause of Morgellons
I am sorry but they were insect parts, they were something the PhD Etymologyst was looking at. Maybe this is just my issue only and I am dealing with something totally different. The first time he called to tall about what I had sent him, he called to ask where I got the samples and wanted to know what the goo was that was with the samples. It was Bag Balm which is like ky jelly. I also got larvea out as well but I didn't send it in yet, it was smashed up from how I wiped it from my skin. I have it in a bottle of solution they gave me.
I have been finding dead Bees around my house which has been going on since I have had this issue. The bees fly around at night, bouncing off my porch light for years which I thought wS strange. I finally found out Zombees which the Parasitic WASP infect as well. I collected a few and sent them in to zombee watch to see if they were infected.
Maybe there isn't anyone dealing with the same thing as me, I am only posting to share what I have found. I know its just as hard to believe this as Morgellons itself. The parasitic wasp is extremely small, one of the smallest insects known and does a ton of damage for being so small. Anyone can buy Bag Balm or try petroleum jelly, it will cause this stuff to come out of the skin and you can see it for yourself if its the same problem. I am not sure how well petroleum jelly will work compaired to bag balm but it cant hurt.