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Re: Possible Cause of Morgellons
kathieB Views: 4,084
Published: 11 y
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Re: Possible Cause of Morgellons

It shouldn't be so difficult for us, who suffer such unbelievable torture, to find a doctor who believes us. I used black flag insect spray to exterminate my ex's father's rooming house for three years. That was five years ago. A year after that my symptoms started and this past episode is unreal. I'm pulling what looks like bed bug parts/fly larve out from my hair, my armpits, private area and under my breasts. I broke up with my boyfriend because whenever I'm with him my symptoms start within 4 days. He lets the rooming house guys in his garage/work environment every day and I know there's bugs in there. I stopped working there a year ago because of them. Today I covered myself in vegetable oil and DE and was disgusted at what came out. My house is clean, no bugs, and I shower twice a day with tea tree oil soap and been oil. Monday I find out what the dermatologist finds under the microscope, but I'm not sure he's qualified to figure out bug larve. Ugh


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