OK I see that we need to clear another confusion - I heard many times people say "I take Lugol's 100mg daily " - does it mean 100mg of liquid (which is very small amount = 0.1ml) or does it mean that amount of Lugol's which contain 100mg of Iodine? In second case that's much more than 100mg of liquid.
So when I said "I heard that it's not safe to take >300mg of Lugol's" - I really meant that amount of Lugol's liquid which contains 300mg of Iodine.
So what is top Lugol's 5% dosage? I feel burning in stomach when I take Lugol's dosage with >100mg of Iodine at a time
You said above "i know people who have taken a gram of lugols" - again, does it mean total weight of luqud 5% Lugol's? Or is it a weight of Iodine in Lugol's? Because If you mean 1g weight of liquid 5% Lugol's it doesn't seem too much - that's just 50mg of Iodine + 100mg of KI +850mg water.