Is there much chance for scar healing?
Hi, I posted this in the other
Iodine thread and grizz told me to put it here so trapper could read it and whoever else reads this forum:
Hi, I'm just wondering if I should get my hopes up for
Iodine healing my scars or not. How long does it take most people to get rid of theirs with iodine? I'm using wombats cream and taking
Lugols internally. I suppose the higher the dose, the faster the results so should I just up my dose to 300 mg maybe? I know my skin was lacking in it beside I'm sweating like I never have before lol, and my skin isn't as dry anymore (I would really like it to get more oily/dewy though). I know nobody can say whether it will work or not, I'm just looking for opinions, cause these scars are really getting me down :(... They're not even that deep but there's just so much, so widespread if you know what I mean. Most of them are hypertrophic.
I'm also doing liver flushes.
Here is the full thread
Grizz thinks the only way to get rid of scars is by painting with
Lugol's full strength 5%