Q&A: SSKI for the Lungs
Michael asks about his serious lung problems: His question is too valuable to be buried in mail.
Been following your posts for a while now. I noticed that just recently you have had a breakthrough with
Iodide and your lungs. I am very interested!! please share with me your story..
** as much detail as you can!
I have already read all your posts but this is exciting to me because thus far I have only been doing
Lugols 5%, about 150 mg a day max, which would only be about 90mg of iodide. I am going to try taking up to a gram a day and see if my lungs and windpipe will open up.
What I have is a lifelong constriction of my windpipe. It sucks because I love singing and I absolutely cannot sing with this condition. I can barely get my vocal cords to vibrate properly if you know what I mean. Soft constricted voice, Constant phlegm, wheezing when exhaling, etc. When I was younger my face would turn purple when running because of lack of oxygen...this has plagued me my entire life. Though I have done much much healing I haven't tackled this yet. Actually I am the candida dude...maybe you've read my posts. I killed a shit load of candida but my lungs never healed!
Do you think we have the same problem with the lungs? You describe asthma and tight chest, for me its more a matter of a constricted windpipe and constant mucus production whenever i eat. I was once sent to the E.R. from a
food allergy that nearly killed me, lips turned blue. I had really bad bronchitis as a kid, thick brown mucus, and if I recall I took penicillin which helped but ran out half way through the treatment and never fully cured it!!! do you have similar history?
Thanks and let me know your thoughts