I know this is really old but figured if I found it others looking around might as well. I am currently breastfeeding and doing a parasite cleanse. Things I have learned so far are, 1- the dangers are more the toxin being released during die off than the actual medicines. Go slow!! 2- find gentle herbs and foods to do the cleanse. 3-hygiene hygiene hygiene. Ok first off I steam everything down each morning beds toilets counters floors. Only use towels once and all clothes get changes morning and night and right into the hamper not to be laying around. Everything washed in hot water and dryed on high heat. Shower morning and night. No cobaths. Coconut oil mixed with clove oil on the bum after showers and baths. Foods to include are pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds papaya grapes kiwi honey probiotic foods anything seasoned with thyme oregano holy basil garlic cinnamon and clove. Any food high in tannins, a simple Google search will list them. Supplements to take are garlic cinnamon kelp oregano oil pepermint oil zinc and a good multi vitamin echinecea turmeric fenugreek clove oil. Stay away from wormwod its toxic. We take diatomaceous earth each day for 90 days slowly increase dose from one teaspoon to one table spoon. Switch out herbs every ten days or so and don't take all at once. Only a few at a time. Hope it all helps other nursing moms. Do lymphatic system acupressure during die off to help clear stuff out. YouTube has videos to help.