Re: Need advice on Bowel Obstruction
Oh good! Glad you got a little relief anyway. I don't have a gallbladder anymore, so it's hard to try to imagine what blockages feel like. I'm 5'4 and teeter between 105 and 110 pounds, have very little body fat but my cholesterol is like in the 400 range but the only real fat I consume is whole milk in my coffee... so my body has to be making it. I have a family history of high cholesterol though and my gallbladder turned into a huge cholesterol deposit in 2009. The doctor said estrogen was to blame because I was pregnant at the time. I tried to flush it for 4 years with no luck. The only pain I remember is when it felt like my torso was on fire with stomach acid and it was hard to tell where the pain was coming from because my entire torso and back hurt. It's crazy that a tiny gallbladder can make so many problems.
It's crazy how a tiny worm can shut down all system functions too. I couldn't tell what it was on the screen until they pointed it out, but what disturbed me was I couldn't feel anything moving, so the only way of being 100% sure they're gone is to keep going back for ultrasounds and the whole time I'm telling my partner that if he had it, he'd feel it... but now we know thats not true.
And yessss ropes smell like death! Its always the biggest clue when they come out. Almost like a chemical smell that I cant describe. Ammonia maybe? I never ever noticed that smell before doing the enemas. I'm sort of tempted to let them build back up a bit to see how big of a rope I can get. I wish they made a product that was like a sponge you could swallow and it scrubs your intestines clean.
Bentonite sounds good, but psyllium gels up... I'd be afraid it would add to the build up.