Re: parsites,humaworm
My doctors listen to me and are willing to explore, but in my state, they aren't allowed to treat you... they may prescribe you something once or twice, but they refer you to infectious disease specialists for treatment. And without a positive stool test, its impossible to get in there and from what I'm being told, they arent much help either. I was one of the unfortunate "lucky" ones to test positive, but they don't seem to be as concerned as I am and treat it like I have a cold. Most people are desperate for a + test because they are desperate for answers, but my "answers" only made me more confused and you begin to wonder how accurate the + even was... it's a mind f***!
You would think that some kind of scan would easily show worms moving in the body but I guess thats totally by luck too or where exactly they're located. A lot of people on cz have had colonoscopies, scans and ultrasounds that turned up nothing, but there are plenty of youtube videos that show intestinal worms on a colonoscopy or on ultrasounds and MRIs, so there's always a chance they WILL show up. I had a chest ultrasound today but it didn't show my lungs... just breast tissue, so that was a waste, so the next step is the bronchioscopy where they jam a tube with a camera in your lung. I tested + for strongyloids and that would make sense as to why I have the lung issues, but they are tiny and i find it hard to believe that those tiny worms were causing that much activity. I also tested + for whipworm and i think thats what is in my lungs but my doctor disagrees, so im really no better off under a doctors care. I feel like they are wasting time and when you have parasites, every day counts. You wake up the next day and wonder if youre gonna get a new symptom or feel movement in another area... or if youll feel better than the day before... but they dont understand the urgency.
I thought about asking the doctor to cut me open to remove them, but it just sounded too crazy...
A lot of people won't even go to the doctor out of fear and embarrassment and its sad... seriously, when you have time, search the forums and you will see how horrible people are treated by medical "professionals"... and how desperate they are for relief. You could cry for them.
But anyway, "liver cysts" and "pyloric sphincter" might be clues that you can search to see what
parasites might be associated. I think
Tapeworms and cysts go hand in hand, so that goes with your theory of having a tapeworm. But really, it could be more than just that... many people have coinfections and the movement in your colon/butt is what most people with roundworm complain of. Pinworms cause itching, but theyre tiny... The best way to figure it out is to try to pass one in your stool or set up a pinworm trap with scotch tape on your anal opening overnight or as someone here suggested once... they put some castor oil on a cotton ball and stuff it in their butt overnight and then examine it the next day when it gets pooped out. The cayenne pepper thing might be helpful too.
Once you figure out what it is, you can make a better game plan for treatment. Every day counts!