I get what youre saying... but I never suggested a drug protocol. I was more or less saying to not jump blindly and to really weigh the options because the first thing you see when you google your symptoms is herbal cleanses and when you search for people using the cleanses, it's the same thing on 6 different forums and other random websites. Either people are giving glowing reviews about how the product made them expel all kinds of "parasites" so they're going back for round 2. Or... They start the cleanse and it makes things a whole lot worse. Meds can do it too... and if getting rid of a parasite was as easy as taking a pill, none of us would be here searching and asking WTF? And almost every person has a completely different reaction so there's no one size fits all.. the best anyone can do is try to match up what they feel and how they respond to treatment with others experiences to further narrow it down. The only consistent thing i am finding is "I wish I would have found --- site first and/or never taken --- cleanse" and it's been said over and over.